Villa Moria | Dullstroom, Mpumalanga
When you stay at Villa Moria, you won’t be at all surprised that this comfortable and stylish accommodation gets a ‘Highly Recommended’ ranking from AA Travel, it has also been a finalist in the AA Travel Guides Accomm Awards.
This 4 star graded self catering accommodation has also got a beautiful garden and is situated in a spectacular part of Mpumalanga. For nature lovers and adventurers there is much to keep people well entertained and after horse riding, flyfishing, hiking, walks and attending festivals, you will be delighted to return to such comfortable and welcoming accommodation.
Whats on Offer:
- self catering guesthouse accommodation
- close to shops, restaurants, art galleries and fly fishing
- the guest house offcer 3 separate units
- fully equipped kitchens
- fireplaces
- braai facilities
- patio
- kids play area
256 Blue Crane Drive
South Africa
For more info and bookings CLICK HERE.
Tel: 013 254 0173
Cell: 083 500 0333
Cell: 082 922 4709